
We are family owned and operated!

Rick Gamez / Lead Prop Fabricator

The prop bug got me early in my life. Once my family bought an 8mm film camera and Super 8, we decided to make small short movies with our GI Joe action figures. There was a group of us that created quick stop-motion animation shorts. We'd show these to our families during the holidays. I took all the shop classes in Jr. High and High School. I loved metal shop and welding . I built a Mini Bike from scratch at 11. When I was 19 I built a Gyro-glider ( helicopter without a motor) and flew it. Star Trek was on TV and we made props in wood shop. I made a Klingon Disruptor for a Star Trek convention in LA and got dressed up as a Klingon. This was the first prop I ever made. Making things and being handy was where I found joy. I love to build something from nothing and then see it come alive. The turning point in my life was when I saw an ad for an apprenticeship position at Disney for the summer. They were working on Epcot in Florida and needed artists to make some miniatures for a set of the entire park. So I loaded up my van with everything I've made through the years and went to the interview. The interview went well, but when I dragged them out to my van to show the guys what I could do, they wanted to hire me full-time on the spot. Skill level, attention to detail, and various materials were in my van. However, I turned down the job and joined The Hand Prop Room. I was able to have way more control and be creative. To see something you made up on TV was unbelievable. I ran the mold shop for a few years, and later I was promoted to shop foreman. However, this all came to an end in 1985 to create my own shop. I worked out of my garage, making props for Film and TV. I've worked during the best decades the movie industry has seen. Eventually, Star Trek Generations the movie came up, and I built the gun that kills Captain Kirk. Life is funny. I've been fortunate to work on some of the biggest movies ever. It's been 40 years now, and I'm still loving it